Community Groups

What is Group Coaching and how could it help me?

My group coaching track is a mixture of coaching and community support intended to facilitate spiritual conversation and exploration. Often, when people leave a traditional religious community (church/temple/institution/ministry), what they miss most is the sense of connection and comradery with others around shared spiritual values. This coaching group brings together people of various ages, backgrounds, and experiences to celebrate together a deeply personal journey with healing and growth that values a spiritual perspective. While this group is not exclusively for people exiting traditional religion, it is a safe place for such people to engage an online community experience that gives space for safe and inspiring conversations about how spirituality can be meaningful outside of traditional religion.

Meetings are held weekly via Zoom and while I may bring content to the group for consideration, such content will be provided simply as an option for conversational direction. It may help generate discussion, but it will always serve the dynamic of how people show up and what they are looking for. Additionally, Alicia (our therapist) may be an occasional guest for topics like religious trauma and healing.

Benefits of Group Coaching

  1. A safe place to explore an online community that values spirituality.

  2. A context for talking with others about spirituality without having to prioritize any kind of traditional belief or worldview.

  3. The coaching presence allows for a framing of conversation that draws connections between spiritual perspectives, personal experiences and the value of emotional healing, health, and vibrancy.

  4. Cost Effectiveness – Group coaching is generally more affordable than private one-on-one coaching since the cost is split among multiple participants.

  5. The community focus of the group provides a built-in support system. You can share experiences, get feedback, and be motivated by other members who are also working towards healing and growth.

  6. Diverse perspectives with a variety of people – you get exposed to different viewpoints, backgrounds, and approaches to goals and challenges. This can spark new insights.

  7. Others can track with you regarding your growth journey. The group dynamic fosters a sense of shared journey that can help reinforce the need to push through certain challenges – to show up, participate fully, and follow through on commitments. ‘Accountability’ is a word that could be used here but it tends to have a negative association for people working through their hurtful experiences with traditional religion.

  8. Growth skills around listening and sharing. The more time we spend sharing personal experiences and listening to those of others, the better we become at holding space for more people in our lives to be seen and heard.

Group Coaching Limitations

The “downside” to group coaching is that you get less personalized private attention compared to the one-on-one coaching. However, the group’s format facilitates affordability, a support network and varied insights which can create a community rhythm that most find very meaningful. Also, some clients decide to do both to maximize the benefits! During our discovery call (an introduction of coach and client), we will explore what would be the most helpful avenue for you.