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The Problem(s) With Religion

Religion, like many aspects of life, can be complex. What brings comfort to one person might cause distress for another. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself about how your beliefs affect your well-being and to seek help if you need it. Remember, it’s okay to question, to doubt, and to prioritize your mental health on your spiritual journey.

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What is Trauma?

Trauma is like an emotional injury. Just as our bodies can be injured, our minds and emotions can be wounded too. Trauma happens when we go through something so upsetting or frightening that it overwhelms our ability to cope.

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What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is like an overactive alarm system in your brain. It’s supposed to warn you about danger, but sometimes it gets a little too eager and starts ringing when there’s no real threat.

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Unpacking Purity Culture #5: The Lost Boys

Purity culture, with its roots in patriarchal systems, has disadvantaged many. But what about those granted access to the top of the ladder? What about the boys who were forced into a role they wouldn’t have chosen for themselves and never had a chance to truly live?

What about the lost boys?

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Unpacking Purity Culture #2: The Unseen Scars

The emotional consequences of purity culture run deep, but they need not define us. With compassion, understanding, and support, it’s possible to heal these unseen scars and cultivate a healthier, more authentic relationship with ourselves and others.

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What Is Healthy Spirituality?

In essence, healthy spirituality is a journey of continuous growth and self-discovery. It’s not about reaching a fixed destination but about engaging fully with life’s questions and experiences.

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Unraveling the Tapestry of Faith: A Therapist’s View on Deconstructing Religious Beliefs

The process often begins with a whisper of doubt, a small crack in the stained-glass window of certainty. Maybe it’s a scientific discovery that contradicts a long-held belief, or perhaps it’s the realization that your god seems to have a surprising fondness for sports team victories but remains oddly silent on global crises. Whatever the catalyst, it’s like finding a loose thread on a sweater—once you start pulling, it’s hard to stop.

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What Is Religious Trauma?

Religious trauma isn’t about questioning one’s faith or having a crisis of belief. It’s the emotional bruising that occurs when religion – or those who represent it – inflicts deep psychological wounds.

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